Busy weekend. But great weekend. Found this picture- i love the colors. Especially the walls. That's what I want the bedroom to be like.

Need to decide on the wall color b/c for my birthday I'm taking the whole week off and plan on decorating the bedroom. (Am also thinking of painting the kitchen a purple!)
Went to the mall to butt-test the sofa i'd been considering online, and WOW was it comfy. I'm in love.

Now the plan is to save up some money, and next time it's on sale, offer cash and try to get either a discount or free shipping, cos money now is better than money later. Right?
Got another bag of produce from Hill Country Produce Club:

T was quite happy to see the corn. I grilled them with dinner, just brushed w/ olive oil, on Sunday. He DEVOURED it.
As I'm not a big zucchini fan, and didn't know what to do with it, I went to thekitchn.com and ran a search. Settled on
Curried Zucchini soup. YUM! It's for lunch this week.

Of course, when it was time to puree the veggies, i find that my food processor crapped out (need to call Kitchenaid...) but remembered the immersion blender that's been in T's trunk for 4 years? It worked.
Also made
Lasagna and realize that i need a larger baking dish. My lasagna was piled higher than the edges, which made for an ugly, but still tasty dish. It's T's lunch all week, plus 4 extra servings! The recipe is not very healthy, but I figure the first time, I'll follow it, and the 2nd time I'll make it my own.
After cooking, I decided to rearrange the living room.

I like it. It feels more connected to the rest of the house. I like that I can sit on the couch, turn my head slightly and see out the window, and see that large hall-entertaining area. Better flow. Darcy likes that he can lay on the back of the couch and stare out the window. Emma seems unsure.
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