Sunday, June 19, 2011

Who Is That Short Chef?

I think that was the title of my first cookbook. It was bright yellow and very early-80s. One of the recipes in it was for Monkey Bread, which is what I made this morning.

Yum. And there are leftovers for T all week. 

 For lunches this week, T got Sloppy Joes (made with real meat and not veggie crumbles like usual) and I made a tortellini salad. Goat cheese, walnuts, radishes, cherry tomatoes, asparagus, peas, and cheese tortellini. Will be topped with fresh spinach. Dressing is olive oil, red wine vinegar and s&p.

Because inviting's getting busy, with another show next Saturday, cooking time is being reduced. I ordered 2 cookbooks from amazon, Don't Panic, Dinner's in the Freezer. (Was inspired by this post, and those are the books the busy lady used.) Looking forward to trying them out.

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