Sunday, July 24, 2011

Turning 30 Extravaganza: Bastille Day

My dear friend, Ms. Speckled Duck, was my date for crafting at Paper-Source on Bastille Day. Even though we both wished the class would have been a little more advanced, we had a good time.

Suzi instructing us crafters.
Ms. S.D showing off ; )
Fun with stamps, fans, and glassine envelopes.
For dinner after class we planned on going to El Chile Cafe but it turned out to be El Alma or something different. Very different. ECC's sign was still up, but the menus (HORRIBLY DESIGNED- black decorative fonts printed on red paper- so hard to read!) and another sign was for the other place. Food was good but just not. what. we. expected/planned on.

Crafty girly time rocks.

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