Thursday, July 28, 2011

Turning 30 Extravaganza: Make-Up Lessons

What better way to turn 30 than with some proper make-up lessons? I finished off my Milk & Honey gift certificates and had 2 hours of make up fun.
Lots of fun things, plus my old crap ; )
We did three different looks- one a "half-smokey" which was bold but really nice, then some green (what i call pixie-dirt, in a good way because it looks like a green fairy dust paired with a brown. i love it.), and then some orange/pinks which is a great shimmery-summery look.

Wish camera phone had flashes b/c the shadow was really pretty on this one.
Crazy Intense Eyebrows! So not used to that.
And playing with green eyeshadows.
Less intense brows; more of a day look? Damn my nose looks huge!
Please forgive the messy messy pulled-back hair. It's been 100* in Austin for way too long. : (

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