Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Weekend Away, Completely Unplugged

Once out of city limits (okay, I cheated in San Marcos on the way to the B&B) I had no email and no cell phone service. Haven't been unplugged like this in so long- it was great!

One of my new year resolutions was to take a weekend off, every two months. This was that weekend. 46 hours of no work. No email, no phone calls, no planning or designing or finances.

I read a book (Tina Fey's Bossypants) and started another one (The Art of Eating). I also sat on the porch swing and did... NOTHING. Guilt-free nothing!

The porch
Sitting Room, nice place to curl up with book.
Little kitchen. We didn't cook, but did pour lots of wine.
Bedroom. Not the most comfy bed, but anything larger than ours is a treat.

Of course, once back at home, the laptop was opened and inviting's emails attended to... but the time away was very nice. So quiet.

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