Sunday, September 16, 2012

Vacation Starts.... Now!

Have a week off from the day job and got myself a new book to read:

Flipping through it at Anthropologie, it looks like it has all sorts of wonderful recipes and that I will feel totally inspired. Not a bad way to spend a week off!

Will also be spending a day cooking like crazy- expecting some very busy weeks so am prepping the freezer with pre-cooked meals. Grocery list today is a mile-long, but I'll be making at least 30 servings of dinners, plus 2 trays of appetizers/snacks for "Oh, sure you can come by. 15 minutes? Yeah, we can do that. See you then!" moments. Because you have to have something to serve your guests. Oh, also, must make cookies for the freezer. Molasses Sugar Cookies freeze beautifully pre-baked and bake up just as nicely... and they're perfectly seasonally appropriate.

Bought new teal tights just for the occasion. No more bare legs. Hooray!

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