Monday, December 24, 2012

Croquembouche, Part Two

For the dessert, today: fill the poufs, make caramel, and assemble. How hard can it be?

Filling poufs with custards. Fun watching some of them expand.
Boiling sugar and water for caramel. I like bubbles.
Yup, that makes caramel. Hot and cools quickly.
Assembly. Easier than I thought. Water bottle was a helpful support!
 Et... Voila!
Blobs of caramel and caramel "threads." YAY!
It's not perfect, or magazine-worthy, but for my first attempt, i think it's rather charming. I'm proud of myself and hope it's a hit! Pretty easy to make, just time consuming. If you can boil and stir, and have lots of eggs and butter, you can easily make this!

Happy Xmas!

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