Thursday, December 29, 2011

Pretty (and Not Boring) Packaging

I went lame on this year's holiday gifts... but in my defense I was trying to use up what I had. SO. Crappy pre-made bows and all that. Whee.

NEXT YEAR i will channel Aunt Martha. NEXT YEAR i will have fun wrapping gifts. (Btw, NEVER buy Office Depot's 4-pack of scotch tape. It sucks- doesn't tear where it should and is so much trouble. Spend the extra $ and go name-brand.)

NEXT YEAR I will have fun with boxes and washi tape. Picked these up at a discount store and aren't they fun? Thin flags and the pink thicker one which reads "Wishing you a holly jolly Christmas." So i took a plain box from xmas and played:

And should you ever feel like spoiling me, i'd love to receive some washi / japanese masking tape in the mail. You don't have to wait for my birthday. : )

I have some Paris frenchy-inspired ones coming soon- can't wait to play with those!

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