Sunday, April 15, 2012

Springtime Decorating

With the roses blooming like crazy (I counted 64 buds a week ago!), that's the easy solution. But the pecan tree needed some trimming, so I brought in some branches for the first time.

T's grandma's bookshelf. I love the detailing at the top.
The bookshelf in the dining area, w/ WW2 era accordion.
The dining/piano hall, for lack of a better name, with new *matching* chairs! Only took 4 years.
The dining/piano hall, with The Emma hiding from the outdoors, keeping an eye on it.
And in the backyard garden:
Basil getting larger...  Bugs! Stay off my herbs!
Planted these last year. They survived the drought, the freeze, and look better than ever.
May need to plant more of this...
It's been pretty quiet over here. Just working hard on inviting and trying to stay afloat, with as few meltdowns as possible.

p.s. How many skulls did you spot in the interior pictures?
One is hard to see, but there are 3: dining bookshelf, piano, grandma's bookshelf.

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