Friday, January 17, 2014

Occurences, Week of 1.17.14

Reading: Finished Daily Rituals and Life a la Mode; reading a portion of Profiles in Courage in between novels. (Looking for the next novel.)

Watching: Downton Abbey, Law & Order: SVU, Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters (bad bad bad), My Cat from Hell (after a few drinks), Sleeping with the Enemy and Sherlock, to get excited about the premiere on Sunday.

Listening: Chopin station on Pandora with lots of Satie sprinkled in.

Eating / Drinking: Made a ground turkey (seasoned with thyme, fennel & black pepper) and cheese tortellini soup. Drinking a pot of Orange Spice tea almost every morning and herbal tea in evenings. T's started making hot toddies so we've been enjoying those as well. (So nice that he makes them! Usually I am bartender and cook so it's pleasant to get a break here and there, especially now that he knows where I store all of the spices.) Have sadly realized that I can whip up a small bowl of mac&cheese quickly and that it makes a delicious breakfast on cold days. At least the pasta is whole wheat and the cheese is 2%.

Domesticating: Cleaned on top of the refrigerator (seriously gross but now it's beautiful!) Took advantage of the slow work week: steam cleaned the bathroom tiles & grout, tidied the tool shelf in the pantry. The sofa was cleaned by Macy's warranty people (again) but I don't think the (cat urine) smell has left. Will likely be calling Macy's next week to try again. (They might as well just send me the credit memo- The Emma makes potent urine, there's no way it's coming out so I'll take the replacement sofa, please and thank you.)

Learning: behind on my French. :(

Corresponding: Don't forget, stamp prices increase on the 26th so stock up now on Forever stamps at today's rate. Your letter-writing habit will thank you. (Also write more letters!)

Creating: Crochet bracelet while watching TV and a paint-by-numbers kit- it's lame but quite relaxing: I know it's going to be lame, and I don't care, so I'm just enjoying the act of painting.

Working: It's, sadly, been a s-l-o-w work week but I've been in discussions with potential clients, completing tasks like inventory, Quickbooks for 2013, sales tax payments, and other not-so-fun projects that need to be done. I've also done a little designing which has been nice!

Goals / Resolutions: Did Zombies, Run missions twice this week and pushed myself to run more than a mile without walking. Shins made me pay for it in between runs so I couldn't go every day. Haven't bitten my nails since the 31st- another couple weeks until they're long enough to paint.

My Favorite Instagram(s) of the Week:

Have a good weekend!


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