Sunday, May 31, 2009

Holy Guacamole!

Actually, that's the only thing missing. Mmmmm.... avocados.

Anyhoo- I signed up for a produce club, locally grown and all that, seeing if it's a better value than the grocery store. Last week we spent $17 of the total bill on veggies and fruits (a few frozen, rest fresh). Yesterday I spent $25 on a family sized bag (I'm trying to eat more veggies and less meat so this will encourage that I hope) and got this:
It included a pineapple (and a honey dew melon, which he threw in extra), 4 oranges, 6 bananas (i refuse to pay $.44/lb at the store so it has been FOREVER since I've had a banana!), 2 large ripe tomatoes, a large baggy full of FRESH BASIL, 5 limes, 2 HUGE lemons, some fresh pasta, 6 brown eggs, 4 fat carrots, 2 bell peppers, 7 red potatoes, a mango, mushrooms (he threw in 2 packs of those), a baggy of already-peeled garlic cloves, spinach, salad greens, 2 onions, and a baggie of croutons.

I've invited my mom to come over and take a few things, like an onion (cos now I have 3), some garlic, limes, basil (yes I will share the basil. I'm not joking when I say it's a baggie stuffed!), and maybe some eggs (I bought some last week at the store).

And I think i'll get some tofu at the store today, stir fry that and some mushrooms with some basil and ginger, serve it over a salad... hello work-day lunch!

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