Thursday, June 4, 2009

Craziness at the Comic Shop

I went with T to the comic shop last night (for his monthly Conan fix) and asked the guy working there if he had anything similar to Bear, which I absolutely loved. He had never read it and was barely aware that it existed. I was trying to describe it, and what I liked about it, which was quite hard because it's a weird little story. I mentioned that "In one issue there was even a Jane Austen story and it was hilarious!" He's suggesting all these others, then we walk to the new comic shelves and I stop and point: WHAT IS THAT?! huh? WHAT IS THAT?!

It was this:
How crazy is that?! The owner was like "Oh, yeah, that's issue 2, I think, yep, here's issue 1."

He was also looking for that Pride and Prejudice and Zombies book but they were sold out.

I read issue 1 last night, and it was like story boards for the movies. What was weird were the ads- you have a Jane Austen tale on the left, and a messed up looking ad for Wolverine or Punisher or something like that on the right. Very strange.

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