Monday, January 31, 2011

My Weekday Breakfasts

Drinking one of these every (weekday) morning is my way of making sure I'm getting my veggies!

It's 1 cup kale, 1 cup baby spinach, 1/2 a pear, 1 banana and I use 1 cup 1% cow milk.  (Yes, Andrew, it really is that "ninja turtle ooze green.")
Picture is Joy the Baker's, not mine
And rather than make kale chips for T or spinach pesto to freeze since the greens' Use By date was rapidly approaching, i spent some time blending up my 1 cup servings for the freezer. This morning I just plopped in a frozen glob of kale and a frozen glob of spinach, and added the rest. I let them mingle for a minute (so as not to kill my little baby blender) and it took no time to blend. Result? A little colder but otherwise no difference! Also saved about 5 minutes (not to mention some $ in the produce department.

This is my baby blender. I wanted to try this recipe but with the bread machine, couldn't afford to give up any more counter space.
Picture's ,not mine.
 Tiny. And the little jars are the perfect size for toting a chai latte to work. Not their original intended purpose but it works for me. (Okay, I used a smaller one for chopping up my veggie portions yesterday.)

Drink the smoothie. It's good. Until the very last bit- that's when i go "blech." But until that point : )

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